Picture of the best stroller in the world at the Nashville flea market with BIG, aunt bird, and mama's legs. Note the artsy refection in the mirror photo- was trying to figure our my new camera!
We love to stroll.  Especially when the weather is nice.  That being said- it's ridiculous the number of strollers I have/have had.  My first and THE BEST STROLLER IN THE WHOLE WORLD was a gift from my mom and sister at my baby shower.  It is AMAZING. It's the {swoons when she types the name! throws glitter in the air and hears birds chirping} urban mountain buggy.  I wouldn't have needed another stroller ever except we had another baby. And BIG still liked to stroll.  And I am kinda lazy and baby wearing didn't really work for me- So we needed a double stroller.  I found this one on craigslist for super cheap so I bought it.  It was fine- but it was no UMB.  I knew it wasn't my dream double stroller.  But for that I had to shop around.  And save. 

Then one day on a whim, we drove to Oxford.  Sans stroller.  Oh lord- what were we thinking? We stopped and bought two cheap umbrella strollers.  I knew that wouldn't be my double stroller solution either.  Those things are a nightmare to maneuver.  Think broken shopping cart- where you have to pull more than push.  UGH- more work than actually carrying the boys.  Not for me.  
And then I found our double stroller.  It's great.  But it's no UMB.  The UMB double was not in my price range (it's a stroller- not a car for crying out loud!) So I settled for the BOB.  It's nice and gets us where we want to go.  I've even jogged with it a few times (note: it's much easier to jog when you aren't pushing 60 extra pounds!) But I find myself comparing it to my UMB.  If only the wheel pivoted like the mountain buggy.  If only it was as quick to fold up... The most important thing is both of our boys can ride.  

Up until recently BIG has been like his mama in that he would rather ride than walk.  But in these last few weeks he's been showing a little more independence [gasp/frowny face/smily face/mixed emotions because he's growing up! ] and has started to walk by our side... so maybe it's time to go back to the dream stroller and let LITTLE enjoy being pushed solo.  

Hope all of you pretty people are having a happy hump day! 

4/9/2014 09:51:43 am

Love strollers!! Mine are too heavy for me to push now. Or I'm too weak. Sigh...


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