Doesn't he look innocent?
This is likely to be a very controversial post. Especially with my: sister, parents, in-laws, and SIL.  My youngest (LITTLE) will be 2 in 6 weeks. He is hilarious- but I can't turn my back on him for even a minute. He puts the M in mischief and the N in naughty. He is what my mama meant when she said "I hope you have one just like you."  And I did.  
Here are several examples of what hijinx happens when I let my guard down and turn my back for a minute. You see pretty people, I get a false sense of security at times because when he's good he's soooooooooo good- so good he makes you forget about the naughty michief. He can go through a pack of stickers and band-aids in less than a minute.  

kitchen wall mural
I'm lucky we still have a house since I magic erased nearly every wall we have.  But I wouldn't change him for the world.  Except maybe the part about him drawing on my walls.  (and kitchen island!) That part I would change- as long as it didn't change who he is or break his little spirit! 

Thanks for reading- hope you are having a great- marker-on-the-wall-free day! It's 1:30 and so far we've had no incidents.  But we still have 7.5 hours until bedtime! 
3/25/2014 05:15:40 am

He is so cute, and a charmer too!!!!

3/25/2014 07:13:23 am

Oh I soooo know the feeling!! Our hijinx usu involve a bucket of water & the bath mat/bathroom floor.

3/26/2014 02:01:04 am

Sweet Max, I think mommy is giving you a bad wrap. So what if your hands are faster than the speed of light! Honey thinks you put the C in charming, the W in wonderful and the S in super hero.

3/26/2014 04:24:55 am

He does have fast hands! And you are right about S W & C


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