We didn't have flower girls in our wedding but this picture makes me regret that. My favorite thing about this picture is what the adorable mommy said about it. "They think this big day is about them." It is mommy- it is!
PicturePhoto by Nicole Price
Alright pretty people- hopefully by now you know that I stalk your pictures.  Not in a koo-koo crazy kinda way (don't crazy stalkers say that though?) I am bonkers about them!  I love what y'all take pictures of and what you share on social media.  Here are a few of my favorite pictures (from some of my favorite people) this week.  

My friend Nicole travels ALLLLLL the time.  She took this stunning Chicago pic from the air.  It literally took my breath away.  A city I love from that high- with snow covered beaches.  I'm in love!  

Here we have our friend Troy- and his adorable little girl Maggie.  Maggie is a firecracker!   Would love to be a fly on the wall for this conversation.  I love this shot because it shows how much these two love each-other. This will probably be a framed picture she takes when she leaves for college in 15 years.  It just captures them.  I'm lucky they are in our lives!   

I love how my friend Shelby puts her little people to work! Somehow she gets them to BEG to do chores! Please send Ayla and Charlie to my house to help. Love and miss y'all!
My friend Tony posted this picture of his mom and uncle Rick.  There is so much I love about this picture it's crazy.  Even though I don't know them- I know they would be fun to hang out with.  

Thanks to everyone who let me use their pictures.  You are all lucky to have these experiences and people in your lives.  


2/13/2014 05:16:59 am

Love all the pics! Each are so unique & special!


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