Ever notice that when you miss people there are signs of them EVERYWHERE? Like yesterday I ran to the grocery store and was reminded of some folks that I miss very much.

Zaps are the best chips in the whole wide world! (Looking for sponsorship Zaps! Call me!) They always give me such great food memories. Do y'all have those? Where the taste of something brings you back to a special time? Zaps played a huge role in my life during college. I lived with my sister (respect her privacy gentle reader! She didn't ask for the celebrity life) and two best friends. The four of us were more like sisters than friends. To this day we can communicate without saying a word. A smile, nod, look, grimace, eye roll, cat-marching band (that needs it's own post pretty people!) we just get each other. Unfortunately we live all over the south & mid-west and don't get together nearly as much as we'd like. Everytime I see a package of zaps I smile. The four of us ate zaps at least three times a week for about 2 years. We lived around the corner from this convenience store that sold warm pressed sandwiches for $3 or so bucks. {This was pre-panini hype folks.} You got your sandwich & ZAPS and a f-t a-s coke (if you are in the no- you know what I'm talkin' about!) it was a bargain. They started to know us by name. They started to know our orders. We loved them. We loved that we could pick up our sandwiches be back at our place and eat quickly without having to shop, cook or clean. I smile just thinking about it. I can almost taste the roast beef and Swiss or the turkey and American...with the Cajun crawtators. Sometimes they put BBQ in the bag-but we didn't complain. It was in the soup nazi generation and we were afraid to complain. So while I didn't buy these yesterday it made me smile and think about my girls. I love and miss y'all MRRD-DGM-JAP.

I also saw this and thought how great it would be to see my sister's face if she saw it too. Would totally gross her out and it would be funny.

Hope y'all are having a great Sunday my pretty people. If you haven't tried ZAPS- you are missing out! Xoxo

12/8/2013 06:28:25 am

Soup nazi! Hahaha!! That place did have the best sandwiches

Courtney T
12/9/2013 12:40:21 am

Who didn't love AM mart! I'll take a Cajun turkey pita w/Swiss, please. And it's no good unless you have the spicy Cajun crawtators to go with it. & don't forget the complimentary blowpops they would throw in the bag for all us cute college girls. I sure miss it too. Alas the last time I went there about 7 years ago it had changed owners & the sandwiches were not the same. Good times...

Kris P O'Brien
12/9/2013 03:02:39 am

I forgot about the blow pops!!!


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