There is this thing going around Facebook. Post the 10 books that have stayed with you. Wow. 10 books. Y'all may not know this but I have my Master's degree in English literature. (Sure I end sentences with prepositions sometimes at. I can't spell worth a flip and everyone assumes I should have read every book in print- not the case gentle reader!) I read alllll the time. We'll, I used to. It's hard to now when someone climbs in your lap and head butts you. But I read whenever I can. So for me to narrow it down to ten is really hard. I mean really really really hard! That being said- I will list a few. I Probably kick myself later because more will come to me. Just to be clear- I'm not trying to impress y'all and only listing fancy schmancy high works of literature. Mama loves a trash novel just a much as the next gal does. So those of you hipsters who posted the question just to see what everyone lists may be sorely disappointed with my answers. But let's be honest, y'all don't really like Hemingway either.

Here I go;

1. Bless me Ultima- Rudolpho Anaya

2. Beloved- Toni Morrison

3. Canterbury Tales- Chaucer

4. My sister's keeper- Jodi Picoult

5. Autobiography of a face- Lucy Greely

6. Frankenstein- Mary Shelley

7. The Crucible- Arthur Miller

8. The Einstein syndrome- Thomas Sowll

9. What to expect the first year- Sandee Hathaway

10. Letters from a nut-Ted L. Nancy

I will probably think of more even as I type this. To me the interesting part is why everyone picked those specific ten works. While these books all made an impact on my life in some way, my ten don't define who I am- <the Little prince by antoine de saint exupery > if I would have picked ten on another day I may have picked ten completely different works. <Peek-a-who by nina laden> every book I chose brings back different memories/life experiences <midnight in the garden of good & evil by John Berendt> & feelings. <room by emma donahue> Books for me are magical adventures. I get sucked in and become attached to characters.  Perhaps this is why I fall for a series (Harry Potter! JK Rowling)  It's funny to think that when I was in grade school I was in the slow readers group.  I remember hearing my mom talk to the teacher "are you sure? uhhhhh...i wouldn't call her a slow reader....she reads all the time... ok, if that's what you think."  What nobody knew was that while the other kids were reading a passage- I would always tell the teachers I wasn't done so I could read ahead.  Or re-read. <such a pretty fat by Jen Lancaster>  All that being said- I want to see a status about WHY those books are so important to everyone.  You share yours and I will share mine.  Thanks pretty people.  Hope y'all have a great day.  

**If you like my little blog- share it with a friend and like MommyOhhhh (4 h's y'all!) on Facebook
12/11/2013 01:34:06 am

If you give a Moose a Muffin by Laura Numeroff. A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole. I know that's only two...

12/11/2013 01:41:27 am

Oh...and Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt. That is three...if you are counting!


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