Picture8 weeks in this beast of a cast!
I was going to go into the whole big long story about BIG's broken femur.  And each time I started to type it, I would cry.  So you aren't going to get it - at least not today pretty people.  What you will get is that BIG has a clean bill of health after his check up appointment.  Without violating hippa laws- we are, to quote the super star broken femur doctor "healing perfectly." 

The seal at the Memphis zoo was very interested in BIG and his bright orange cast
Here is HH giving cast tats.  It gave BIG the biggest smile ever.  He loves the Yo Gabba Gabba gang like they are part of the family.  

So as I bid you good day I will say this: I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Stay safe and be glad you aren't in a body cast! 

If we aren't already friends- like MommyOhhhh on facebook. 

More preferential treatment at the Memphis zoo. The animals were big time interested in BIG

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