I Love the Christmas traditions my folks set up for me. The first is Christmas pajamas. They usually match but not always.

Another tradition we have is the Santa picture. We have it every year but one or two when Santa creeped out my nameless sister (respect her privacy gentle reader- she didn't ask for the limelight) Yes those are high waisted Calvin Klein jeans. We were cool before they were cool. And yes my mama probably put a bowl on my head and cut that hair...Don't you judge me.

My aunt has a precious tradition of making cookies with her baby girl... Errrr... She's not a baby anymore but it's tradition. They have fun and love doing it. To me that's what this is all about. What traditions do you have pretty people? I'm looking to add a few fun ones!

It all started yesterday when HH sent me a text with a link to the following article:  http://charlotte.cbslocal.com/2013/12/17/5-year-old-suspended-for-making-gun-gesture-with-hand/
It immediately gave me an uneasy feeling for a few reasons.  The child is only a year (and a month- but whose counting?) older than BIG and I've seen him make a gun gesture with his hand plenty of times.   Until yesterday I didn't realize that was a punishable offense.  If you aren't interested in reading the whole article I will give you a quick cliff notes versions.  There was a little boy playing army man on the school playground at recess in Charlotte NC.  In this school this is a suspend-able offense as he was suspended for a one-day in school suspension.  When his parents found out they called the principal and school board and asked to meet with them.  The suspension was then dropped.  It's also important to note that there is a school handbook and gun hand gesture punishments is not mentioned.  Ok, so those are the facts as reported.  

But this still leaves me a bit uneasy.  We all know that kids aren't allowed to bring actual guns to school.  (duh!) It's even iffy if you can bring a fake gun to school.  Personally I'm ok if there is a rule that says no fake guns at school.  While some may not like the rule- if the school district decides that is the way to go I support that.  100%. I'm probably a little more hard core than most because I'd be fine with a ban on all toys in school. I'm no Burger Meister Meister Burger where I hate toys. However if toys are causing a problem have a blanket no toy policy. I'm on board.  

What I do have a problem with is when there is a rule that isn't in the student handbook* but is enforced with an iron fist.  This is a 5 year old.  F.I.V.E. Super Nanny tells you his punishment should be a 5 minute time out.  Not a suspension.  And guess what- he didn't know he was doing anything wrong.  He was playing Army man on the playground.  *I realize the rule book can't have possible situation that a child may get in.  No noogies while standing on one foot while you are wearing a  stripe shirt.   But if hand gestures aren't allowed this should be listed, taught and reinforced by the parents at home. 

Google search kindergarten suspensions and you will be shocked at how many stories come up.  In one case another 5 year old was suspended after talking about shooting her friends with her PINK HELLO KITTY BUBBLE GUN (that she had at home- not even on school property)   She may as well have said my unicorn is going to sneeze glitter all over you.  Here is the shocking (to me at least) part.  School district officials labeled her a terrorist threat.  Let that sink in for a minute pretty people.  This little girl and her pink hello kitty bubble gun (again not on the premises) are considered on the same level as a terrorist threat.  They wanted to suspend her for ten days.  TEN DAYS.   A six year old in Colorado was accused of sexual harassment and suspended for kissing a little girl on the cheek.  I get it- he had cooties and it was a totally unwanted advance.  But to suspend him?  Is that the right thing to do?  I'm no expert so I don't have all the answers but I wouldn't call him a sex offender because he smooched a classmate. 

Another school system considers kids playing cops and robbers an act of violence.  I wonder if it would be considered violent if they were using finger swords and slaying a dragon to save a princess.  Maybe reenacting a fable they heard during story time.  To me this imaginative play is awesome.  It shows that the child is interested in learning and taking it to the next level. It's  interesting that there is a core curriculum that where the goal is consistency in education at every level but doesn't it doesn't address what's considered acceptable student behavior vs' "terrorist acts." 

Some of these sound like teachable moments to me.  Keep your hands to yourself.  No kissing.  We don't play so rough that we pretend to have guns to hurt someone.  I guess that's the difference to me- if these kids had actually hurt someone they wouldn't be suspended for up to 10 days.  The parents would be called immediately.  In several of the cases I researched the parents weren't called until way after the fact.  After their child had been in a three hour interrogation with the principals and counselors.  Even real life criminals are allowed a phone call and a talk with mom and dad or a lawyer.  These little ones are kids- not criminals.  
*** The unthinkable happened to my friend Allison and her husband Charlie eleven years ago.  They lost their precious son Grant when he was 4 years old.  Today he would be 15.  He lives on in their hearts, spirits and souls.  Allison is on a mission to help others by being someone's light.  She shines bright y'all!  Read her poignant words below.  

PictureLittle Charlie standing with pictures of his brother Grant in heaven.
PictureAllison and her two Charlies. Enjoying joyous moments.

This post took me awhile to write.  Not because it's super profound or a work of literary art a-la-the Illiad.  Nope- because it had a ton of self reflection and I couldn't quite figure out how to say what I'm about to say.  So I'm just going to say it.  Last week I failed as a mom.  Super hard to admit- but I did.  I let someone bully my child.  The scary part is- he was a bully in sheep's clothing dressed up as a grandpa.  Not my boys grandpa- they are both amazing and wonderful and would never do what this man did.  At first you might think- Oh, MommyOhhhh you are over reacting.  But I'm not.  And the more I think about it the more upset I get with myself for not standing up for BIG and for not speaking my mind.  

We were in the grocery store and both boys were being perfect angels.  It was the kinda day where the store had everything I needed on my list and the double shopping cart was keeping the boys entertained.  There was a couple that looked to be grand-parenty.  They were also in our way in every lane.  But I was in a great mood so it didn't bother me, but again we saw them in EVERY lane.  The wife smiled.  I said hello.  LITTLE WAVED and BIG gave her sweet eyes.  The curmudgeon husband didn't do much but fuss at his wife over the price of produce.  {{WE were at aldi, so you know that stuff is cheap!}} We finally broke free of them and I saw the man I will call Mr Meany walking toward us.  Not shocking because like I said early they were EVERYWHERE.  In my way at all turns.  So I wasn't shocked to see him yet again.  What shocked me was when he looked directly at BIG and said "Boy, what are you doing drinking out of the sippy cup you are 9 years old.  Your mama should know better."  I was so taken aback at what he said, I said nothing.  I just stopped walking and stared at him.  If you know me in real life you are probably shocked I didn't give him a piece of my mind.  I immediately gave him my mean look- but my brain was still trying to process what he said and I think he realized he was inappropriate and he scurried away.  For the next few minutes I thought of 2800 not so nice things I could have said back to him.  They were even two people in front of me in line- I thought about calling out to him and giving him a piece of my mind but I didn't want to cause a scene.  Looking back I should have. Maybe.  I'm still torn about what I should have done.  I know that I should have done something.  At least I think I should.  BIG is VERY BIG. So while he's 3 (4 next month- OMG, where did the time go?!?) he probably looks closer to 5 or 6.  But none of that is Mr Meanie's business.  If I want to give my 14 year old a sippy cup- I will.  [Doubt he'd take it- but I'm trying to make a dramatic point here pretty people] And who does he think he is to give his social commentary on anyone?  He's a bully.  He doesn't look like one, but he is one.  He didn't speak directly to me because he has no power over me, so he chose to spew his venom at my son.  That's how they do.  I'm prepared God forbid this ever happens again.  I will say something.  It won't be nice- but neither was what Mr Meanie said.  So.  I will probably go to Aldi tomorrow at 1 in case he's a creature of habit.  This time I will {quietly} dare him to speak to either of my boys.  And I will shame on him.  I think the best approach is a "shame on you."  I might even do a finger point.  Which LITTLE will then mimic and say no-no-no-no-nooooo.  So look out old man we are ready for battle. 

Anything like this ever happen to you my pretty people?  What did you do?  Please share your story. 



Happy weekend y'all! More on Monday!


Ok, if you are a faithful reader, you know I LOVE mail!  LOVE IT! So it's with a heavy heart that I tell y'all that I failed you.  National letter writing day was 12-7 and we missed it.  DAMN!  So as I dry my eyes I will say (type) this: write someone special a letter!  Today. Could be an old friend.  A former teacher.  A nurse that made your delivery experience a little less horrible... They will LOVE hearing from you!  This week BIG and LITTLE got a letter from a friend with stickers.  BIG was over the moon.  (And since I never feed LITTLE- he tried to eat the stickers!) {{don't call CPS- I'm KIDDING!  geesh- he eats us out of house and home.  he ate 6 pieces of cheese today!  SIX!  In addition to three meals.}} A girlfriend sent a thanksgiving card outlining things she's thankful for and I was on the list.  It made my day.  You don't have to send something super fancy.  I've sent a little hello on a post it note before.  Or run to Walgreens and buy a handful of Elvis postcards (I live in the south y'all!) and mail those bad boys off.  Who wouldn't love to come home and see EP in the middle of a Kroger circular and a home refinancing notice?  The point is- send something.  

If you are a techie there is a free app called FELT.  You pick a card, write your message- they print it, stamp it and mail it for you for about $4.  That's the price of a card and stamp.  AND no, that's not cheating- it's the thought that counts pretty people! In my humble opinion now is a great time to send a note.  I am lucky enough to get boat loads of mail this time of year.  Catalogs!  {Free shipping!} Store coupons! ~We haven't seen you in awhile MommyOhhhh- take $25 off your $50 purchase (Yeah Chico's sorry about that.  You really aren't my style but that sweater I bought FOUR YEARS AGO is really cute.  First person to comment gets the coupon!) And Christmas cards.  Lets talk about the Christmas cards for a minute.  I LOVE THEM!  Especially if there is a family- bonus points if someone is in pajamas and/or wearing reindeer ears.  For me it's about the pictures.  That's why I like facebook- but LOVE instagram- it's the pictures.  I want to see your trip to Vermont.  I want to see your bulldog puppy.  I want to see your aunt Alice's tea cup collection.  I'm nosey! Maybe it's the Rear Window voyeur in me but I LOVE it! All of it.  And I know others do too.  That being said- I'm practicing what I'm preaching.  I'm sending three thank you notes out today. There is never a bad time for a thank you note pretty people.  It's a great way to show someone you appreciate them and that you are thinking of them.  So if anyone has helped you, given you a gift or a shoulder to cry on- now is the time to thank them.  Get off your bum and write them a note. I promise It will make them feel just as good to receive it as it makes you feel to write it.  

Sooooooo... Thank you pretty person for reading this.  If you like it (put a ring on it!) share it!  xoxox

There is this thing going around Facebook. Post the 10 books that have stayed with you. Wow. 10 books. Y'all may not know this but I have my Master's degree in English literature. (Sure I end sentences with prepositions sometimes at. I can't spell worth a flip and everyone assumes I should have read every book in print- not the case gentle reader!) I read alllll the time. We'll, I used to. It's hard to now when someone climbs in your lap and head butts you. But I read whenever I can. So for me to narrow it down to ten is really hard. I mean really really really hard! That being said- I will list a few. I Probably kick myself later because more will come to me. Just to be clear- I'm not trying to impress y'all and only listing fancy schmancy high works of literature. Mama loves a trash novel just a much as the next gal does. So those of you hipsters who posted the question just to see what everyone lists may be sorely disappointed with my answers. But let's be honest, y'all don't really like Hemingway either.

Here I go;

1. Bless me Ultima- Rudolpho Anaya

2. Beloved- Toni Morrison

3. Canterbury Tales- Chaucer

4. My sister's keeper- Jodi Picoult

5. Autobiography of a face- Lucy Greely

6. Frankenstein- Mary Shelley

7. The Crucible- Arthur Miller

8. The Einstein syndrome- Thomas Sowll

9. What to expect the first year- Sandee Hathaway

10. Letters from a nut-Ted L. Nancy

I will probably think of more even as I type this. To me the interesting part is why everyone picked those specific ten works. While these books all made an impact on my life in some way, my ten don't define who I am- <the Little prince by antoine de saint exupery > if I would have picked ten on another day I may have picked ten completely different works. <Peek-a-who by nina laden> every book I chose brings back different memories/life experiences <midnight in the garden of good & evil by John Berendt> & feelings. <room by emma donahue> Books for me are magical adventures. I get sucked in and become attached to characters.  Perhaps this is why I fall for a series (Harry Potter! JK Rowling)  It's funny to think that when I was in grade school I was in the slow readers group.  I remember hearing my mom talk to the teacher "are you sure? uhhhhh...i wouldn't call her a slow reader....she reads all the time... ok, if that's what you think."  What nobody knew was that while the other kids were reading a passage- I would always tell the teachers I wasn't done so I could read ahead.  Or re-read. <such a pretty fat by Jen Lancaster>  All that being said- I want to see a status about WHY those books are so important to everyone.  You share yours and I will share mine.  Thanks pretty people.  Hope y'all have a great day.  

**If you like my little blog- share it with a friend and like MommyOhhhh (4 h's y'all!) on Facebook

I love that feeling. Hopefully you know what I'm talking about. The feeling of someone going totally limp in your arms. The "I feel so safe with you" feeling. I am lucky enough to feel it daily with LITTLE. BIG does it occasionally. One of the many differences between 18 months and almost 4 years old. (Now is the time when my non-crying self starts to cry! 4! Next month! Time flies!)

Anywho- I noticed it this morning when taking them out of the tub. BIG helps in the fact that he is part acrobat & part fish - he knows how to glide through the water and dismount with (supported) grace. And by using the term grace...hmmm... I may be stretching the definition a bit... LITTLE on the other hand is like a sack of potatoes. Imagine pulling a 28lb wet watermelon out of the tub. <if a watermelon could splash half the bath water out on the floor> That's what getting him out of the tub is like. What he lacks in grace he makes up in trust. He trusts that I will not drop his slippery- wiggly self. He turns into what my mama calls "no-bones Jones." No help. No support. Just 30lb (I've added 2 water pounds for dramatic effect) of wiggly-giggly-wet-silly-squirmy-trusting boy that I hoist out of the tub to dry land. (And by dry land I mean a soaking wet bath mat & tile) He knows I will not drop him. He knows I will grab him and hold on tight. BIG knows too- he just also realizes I need help hoisting him. LITTLE will learn that.

Photo credit; Sweet n southern photography

BIG has that same level of trust with HH as LITTLE has with me. He knows HH will not drop him. He loves to get in this position where he puts his knees on our shoulders and we outstretch his hands towards the sky. I can't do it any more. He's too heavy for me but HH can and does it frequently. My joy comes from watching them. I tried it the other day and while I didn't drop BIG I quickly moved towards the couch so I could set him comfortably down. But he knew. He also knew that I wouldn't have dropped him. Ever.

With trust comes love. Clearly BIG (when he was little) and his girlfriends love aunt KK

Happy Tuesday pretty people. Thanks for reading!!xoxo


I'm not a cryer. Well, I wasn't until I had kids. I cry all the time now. I don't mean to. Sometimes I don't even know I'm doing it. Like yesterday. I was snuggled up on the couch with BIG. We were wrapped up in his red fuzzy (HH name it Elmo skin) blanket. I just looked at him and started to tear up. He is so beautiful and innocent and wonderful...then I looked across the room at HH holding LITTLE in the recliner and I couldn't hold back. I was overcome with joy. Pure joy that these three handsome, smart, silly and amazing men are in my life.

That and it happens to be snuggle season. I am dreading the day when they don't want to cuddle with me anymore. Until now- I will get in as much as I can! Luckily HH is obligated to cuddle with me forever!


Ever notice that when you miss people there are signs of them EVERYWHERE? Like yesterday I ran to the grocery store and was reminded of some folks that I miss very much.

Zaps are the best chips in the whole wide world! (Looking for sponsorship Zaps! Call me!) They always give me such great food memories. Do y'all have those? Where the taste of something brings you back to a special time? Zaps played a huge role in my life during college. I lived with my sister (respect her privacy gentle reader! She didn't ask for the celebrity life) and two best friends. The four of us were more like sisters than friends. To this day we can communicate without saying a word. A smile, nod, look, grimace, eye roll, cat-marching band (that needs it's own post pretty people!) we just get each other. Unfortunately we live all over the south & mid-west and don't get together nearly as much as we'd like. Everytime I see a package of zaps I smile. The four of us ate zaps at least three times a week for about 2 years. We lived around the corner from this convenience store that sold warm pressed sandwiches for $3 or so bucks. {This was pre-panini hype folks.} You got your sandwich & ZAPS and a f-t a-s coke (if you are in the no- you know what I'm talkin' about!) it was a bargain. They started to know us by name. They started to know our orders. We loved them. We loved that we could pick up our sandwiches be back at our place and eat quickly without having to shop, cook or clean. I smile just thinking about it. I can almost taste the roast beef and Swiss or the turkey and American...with the Cajun crawtators. Sometimes they put BBQ in the bag-but we didn't complain. It was in the soup nazi generation and we were afraid to complain. So while I didn't buy these yesterday it made me smile and think about my girls. I love and miss y'all MRRD-DGM-JAP.

I also saw this and thought how great it would be to see my sister's face if she saw it too. Would totally gross her out and it would be funny.

Hope y'all are having a great Sunday my pretty people. If you haven't tried ZAPS- you are missing out! Xoxo


There is nothing 'special' about today. It's not a birthday or a holiday. But it is Saturday. So I guess in a way that makes it special. That and that I'm alive to write this and you are alive to read this (thank you by the way- you are one of the 2100 people reading this blog! Crazy!)

What makes it and everyday special is that I have these cuddle bugs in my life.

They are night and day different but I am madly in love with each of them. So while today isn't really special per se... All our days are special.

Happy Saturday pretty people! Xoxo


I hope it's coming. I'm ready. Ready with canned goods. Ready with beef stew. Ready to bundle BIG and LITTLE up and make a snow man. Does that make me crazy? Maybe a bit- but it's a fond memory I have from when I was little. That plus it's the weekend so HH doesn't have to get out in the elements. We can stay inside all warm and snuggly. After we freeze our booties off in the snow.

Our romp in the snow last year. There wasn't much. But BIG loved it!

I had to run to the store to pick up a few things yesterday afternoon.. It always surprises me to see shelves like this when the weather forecast says there is a chance of snow/ice. Since I grew up in the Chicago suburbs winter weather is old hat. HH has mid-south storm memories of being without power for days. <eeeek!>. Being stuck in his mid-town neighborhood because trees were down. That is not the kind of storm I'm hoping for pretty people. I want the kind where everyone is safe. WITH power. Just enough to cancel all social events so you can stay home and snuggle with your own pretty people. Especially if they are in footy pajamas. You can take the girl outta the mid-west but you can't take the mid-west outta the girl! Be safe pretty people!

PictureSC Photography
Hi pretty people.  I wanted to write something about gift giving ideas for the woman in your life.  Or women.  Mothers.  Wives.  Sisters.  Aunt Gertie. Whoever.  While this post will give you local mid-south business WOMEN to support (see gentle reader, I am not a sexist as previous posts may indicate!) - these ideas are great to give anyone where ever you are.  I know I have a huge following & fan base in Germany, much like David Hasselhoff.  

First up (and one of MY FAVORITE GIFTS EVER!) A gift certificate from SC Photography- or if you don't live in the Memphis area, pick a photographer that specializes in family pictures. (I also love stories framed photography if you are in the Chicago/Milwaukee area)  I LOVE*LOVE*LOVE SC Photography.  Stace is a local mom who takes Ahhhhhh-mazing pictures.  She has such a great way with our boys and isn't super posey-posey so HH doesn't feel like we are taking prom pictures and missing the spiked punch at the after party.  Any-who, she is selling gift certificates & they're 10% off the original price! An hour session gift certificate will be $180 for new clients and $135 for returning clients. Everything can be done online.  Like her page on Facebook for all the details on how to contact her.  But - if you take my family's spot- you are in trouble missy.  or Mr.  There I am being sexist again. I have a huge male fan base too.  HH.  My dad.  Roger.  Uncle Stan.  My boys... I could go on and on...But I wont.  This is the only item on my Christmas list this year.  So hold one for me Mrs S!

This next one could be a gift for yourself or for someone else.  I LOVE Paggios salon in Memphis.  It feels like you are in a super swanky salon with a bunch of girlfriends.  The gift I'm suggesting for yourself is a mini make-over.  (Think make-up lesson where you look super pretty after) Do this on the day you have a christmas party or big date.  You will feel ultra foxy.  Ask for Courtney- she is a magician with make-up.  She will also wax your furry eyebrows.  Not that any of us have those.  {{wink}} Some of us even have werewolf faces.  (not me because I see Courtney!) Check out her page on facebook too for specials.  I saw something yesterday about a $40 Brazilian if that's your kinda thing.  Make sure you know what that is before you get it.  I had a friend once who booked one and was a bit surprised when she found out what she signed up for.  These are also gifts you can give a loved one but be careful how you give it.   {{Don't say- you are ugly/hairy you need a make-over/wax!  Baaadddd idea folks!}} Tell your lady friend- I know you've been a little overworked- stressed- whatever she's been- go take a little you time to relax and unwind.  Courtney will take care of the rest.  If you are super ambitious spring for Jennifer or Stacy to give your friend-girl a blow out.  I love a good blow out.  Hint Hint to anyone buying me a gift...

This gift is one you should buy for the good of your family.  One day I will show you the cake I made for BIG's birthday and you will say - MommyOhhhh, why did you make him a nightmare before Christmas birthday cake?  I didn't you big jerk.  I tried to hand letter a chocolate cake and it just looked super creepy.  I tried.  But now I don't have to.  I discovered a FANTASTIC and sweet resource (get it, sweet?!  I crack myself up!) Email Deatra at [email protected].  I've seen her make everything from wedding cakes to duck dynasty cakes to vera bradley cakes.  Her work is beautiful and delish. If you want to trick your in-laws and let them think you slaved over the desert you offered to bring- get your order in by 12/10.  D will plain wrap it for you too- so you can just bring it in all "yeah I made it" style.  If you are extra nice she may even give you a fake recipe to pass out to let the hoax live on.  Not that I've ever done this.  Yet.  So if you are thinking cake.  cupcakes.  cookies.  chocolate mustaches- you are my kinda person.  I knew I liked you!  If you don't live in the mid-south (sorry!) I'm sure there is another baker that can help you out.  

I love art.  I peruse etsy, the louvre- (once, it counts!) and all random things art.  I love personalized art the most.  I had an idea but since I'm not a graphic designer I couldn't make it come to life.  That is where Serah comes into the picture.  Serah is a very talented graphic designer that took my idea to concept to print.  I told her what I was thinking- she made it better - sent me a small bill- i printed it at kinkos, framed it and gifted it.  E-Z-P-Z!  She can do greeting cards, birthday invites- anything graphic that you might buy off another site- she can probably do it.  Better.  You can contact her at [email protected]

Pardon the picture quality here folks- I am no SC Photography! 

PictureSC Photography
You didn't actually think I'd post about my favorite family photographer and NOT post a picture she took of the dynamic duo- did you??  Do you even know me? 

As usual- I am not paid for any of these shout out's.  (damn- why not?  what am I doing wrong?!)  Just sharing stuff with you that I love.  But not as pricy as Oprah.  


I hate the attic. I hate everything about it. It's dark. It's creepy. You have to climb a rickety ladder to get up there. It's where we keep Christmas decorations & stuff that I'm not quite ready to get rid of. I'm not a hoarder by any means but do I really need some of that stuff up there? I don't think so- but I'm too frady-cat to go up there and see. Do you want to know a big reason why I'm afraid of it? I have this friend josh. HE FELL THROUGH HIS ATTIC y'all!

Fell. Through. The. Ceiling. 12 feet.

Marinate on that for a second. {{Do do do do do do doooo- there- that's at least a second}}

Let's talk about the injuries

1. The ribs: 3 fractured & 2 broken

2. The rotator cuff: torn

3. The clavacle: broken BOTH horizontally & vertically. This includes an 8 inch plate with NINE screws to repair it. IN ADDITION to the THIRTY SIX staples to close the wound. 36!

Til' this day he only has about 40% feeling on the lower side where he hit.

So while I've never been excited to go in the attic myself (I've never even been in our garage attic- HH could be running a drug cartel from up there for all I know!) I think of Josh everytime anyone goes up there.

Can you even imagine how Josh's mom, wife, kids and gorgeous sisters felt?!? I can't. It's scary to think that one awful non-room in the house can cause so much pain and anxiety. Pain for him-anxiety for me.

That being said I feel extremely petty for what I'm about I say next. I was so brave to go up in the attic myself last week. I felt like Christopher Columbus looking for my Christmas decorations. Since I never go up there I don't have a system set up. I had to root around in HH's system and find what I was looking for. Now might be a good time to tell you that I am so afraid of attics that I've been up there exactly 6 times in 7 years. Zero times in the garage attic. HH could be running some kind of drug cartel up/out there and I'd have no clue. (He's not!) <I don't think> {hear that DEA? I am clueless}

This was the year I decided to be a minimalist. I only used about 1/5 of my Christmas loot. Believe it or not it's harder to use just a portion than it is to slap all that stuff up. Plus I was thinking I didn't want to haul all that stuff down & come January I didn't want HH to have to haul all that stuff back up. (We aren't getting any younger pretty people) The point I'm taking forever to make is that I don't NEED a ton of stuff to make our house holiday ready/pretty. I just needed a few things

Here is what we HAD to have:

BIG is wild about letters so I needed JOY.

Stockings, my fabulous silver reindeer that my MIL gave me (I am smitten with them!), robot ornaments and an advent calendar- BIG loves numbers too. (2!) luckily our elf on the shelf was in one of the boxes that made the cut this year. We are still trying to figure out our elf. Folks either love him (or her- I am a total sexist) hate him (there, I did it again) or think he's just ok (ooops~ just call me Brittany!)

So while I felt kinda bad that I decorated with a minimalist approach- it's been perfect. BIG came home, rushed the front door, gasped and screamed 'SANDY CLAUS!' LITTLE has taken it upon himself to relocate ornaments. BIG is the self appointed ornament police force. He has jurisdiction over where the ornaments should be put back once recovered from sticky fingered LITTLE brother. And it's all perfect. (Besides the screaming and yelling when an ornament is relocated or found missing- that part is far from!)

Be careful in your attics pretty people!


I was cleaning up last week so I could decorate for Christmas. I'm not usually an early bird that does it before thanksgiving- but (I can tell you this now) we were out of town for turkey day and I wanted to have Christmas ready for when we got back. (See- more than a pretty face my pretty people. Didn't want any of you hoodlums to rob us!) Any-who, my MIL had a free day last week to watch the boys so I could get all Christmas-y. I thought I would turn on Christmas music and drink hot cocoa- but what I did was decorate like an animal. In silence. No time for cocoa. Just time for glitter, stockings and the advent calendar that is missing a few parts... But I digress. I wanted to share with y'all some of the treasures I found during my x-mas decorating prep.

1. My Grease 2 DVD. Not that it was really missing since HH just gave it to me a few weeks ago. It mysteriously Xmas stuck at the BOTTOM of a stack of DVDs. I'm totally not one to name names but he was just making fun of the movie yesterday so he probably buried it.

2. Favorite eye shadow brush

3. Some buttons! My favorite being I ❤️wizards

4. AN AWESOME Olan Mills picture circa 1988 with moi & some girl with the same parents (respect her privacy please gentle reader) Clearly we are super stylish. With great hair. My best friend. Even if she won't let me talk about her on here.

5.Buzz light year domino

6. Two pairs of baby finger nail clippers

7. $4.79 (score!)

8. Wrench

9. St Patrick's day card I bought for my girlfriend in Denver. You know who you are. It was the thought that counts. Will send it next year!

10. I'm 1 today! Ribbon. Technically this could go with the other buttons I found since it's a pin back but it's special. Totally forgot I bought it & LITTLE didn't get to use it. ;( good thing my friend Mildred's baby is 1 later in the month. I will seem with-it and prepared!

11. 8 dinosaurs

11. A dust bunny that could pull Santa'a sleigh. Didn't want to take a picture and gross us all out.

Happy December my pretty people!


I never forget how lucky I am to have these three in my life. what am I talking about? They ARE my life! Today we hit up a children's museum, played at the park and grabbed a little lunch.

They are wild about daddy. And you know what? I am too! Hope you had a great Saturday pretty people!


Not sure how to say this- I'm seldom at a loss for words. I am thankful for many many things. There are the obvious things; family, friends, roof over our head- best husband and kids ever... What I'm thankful for most this year is that we took a leap of faith. I quit my job in September and as October 1st I've been a stay-at-home mom. It's been the best (and most exhausting!) decision I've ever made. I'm thankful that HH brings home the bacon. I fry it up in the pan. It only burns occasionally. Happy Thanksgiving pretty people!

Photo by SCPhotography


Yesterday's post was all about treats for your family. In today's post I'm giving you ideas how to help other families. What better way to help than to shop for a cause?

Have you heard about Chloe + Isabel? I hadn't until I noticed my friend Jennifer was wearing REALLY super pretty jewelry in her pictures. And then I saw the name creep up in InStyle magazine. Then I complimented a girl on her necklace and it was Chloe + Isabel.. Then I won one of Jennifer's Facebook contests and she sent me THE most beautiful fox earrings I've ever seen. I get so many compliments- I've started counting. I'm at 9 so far. (Not countin the first two or three when I decided to start counting- I'm certainly not a mathematician y'all!) any-who, Jennifer has set up a special promotion for MommyOhhhh fans. She will donate 10% of the sales to the charity of our choice. I'm thinking St. Jude. My heart breaks every time I think about sick babies. Our special MommyOhhhh link is

http://www.chloeandisabel.com/boutique/stylewithjennifer/a4ce6b She has a ton of great looking stuff under $50. Free shipping when you spend $100- so if you need to round up get yourself something pretty! Or heck, get me something pretty! I will attach pictures to show you what I want.

Fox earrings that I looooove

This next product is not just AMAZING but uhhhh-mazing! It's a Runningluv™. When I heard about it BIG had just broken his femur (another post y'all!) and the only time he smiled was on our morning walks. But there was a problem. {Besides the obvious} June/July in Mississippi y'all! 90 degrees by 9am. And I'm a sweater. Big time.

Carrying a towel was just so awkward and cumbersome. I was trying to run (I use that term loosely!) while pushing nearly 70lbs (kid + double stroller + partial body cast!) up hills and around corners and it was just too much. I tried Runningluv- (think micro-soft hand towel that you wear on your wrist to squeegee away sweat) and loved it. While if certainly didn't make our walks/runs easier- it helped me keep the sweat out of my eyes so I could focus on keeping that smile on BIG's sweet face. Prices range from $6-12. Right now there is free shipping on purchases over $10. Ooooorrrrrrrr... If you donate $10 to Danielle's St Jude fundraising campaign she will send you a free Runningluv. You will not be sorry.


Check out Runningluv.com for all the product details. I know several of you that need this product. Christy. Annette. Josh. Carrie. Messica. Ryan&Marcy (get two geesh- don't cheap out!)

Just think: If you buy the crystal Brûlée stretch bracelet and a Runningluv™ your arms will not only be sparkly and sweat free but you will be helping a sick child.

Here are some ideas for family treats. 

Three words: Chocolate.  Hazelnut.  Cigar. Probably not the most PC thing to put on a family treat post- but YUM-O!  Maybe save it for New Years eve after you put the munchkins to bed but before you start your "I'm going to eat well" resolution.  $9. 

We LOVE the loveless cafe.  You may have seen it featured on the food network - that doesn't even do it justice.  I am not a jam or a jelly person.  HH MADE me try this when we were there.  I would have licked the container clean if we weren't in public.  They ship.  But if you are within a 44 hour radius of Nashville- go there.  Soon.  We will meet you there.  $10http://store.lovelesscafe.com/product/blackberry_preserves/biscuits-preserves

How STINKIN' cute are these?  Can't you just see putting them out for a NYE party?  They are in the December issue of cosmo but when you go to the website onepreppycookieblogspot.com you can see all the super adorable cookies she's made.  I am in love with her monogram stuff and the barn yard cookies.  Super cute.  

Tiffany playing cards.  These are a little bit luxury for only $30. My sister (who will remain nameless) and dad have an on-going game of Gin Rummy that has been going on for at least 10 years.  They play a penny a point and while my dad keeps score (he also cheats) I doubt these two will ever pay up.  This would also be a pretty way to play 52 card pick up- since there is always that one uncle who loves that game.  Or in my case- my dad.  Sorry Monica- don't fall for it!  

This is one of the best traditions that my mama started when I was a wee little tot.  Matching pajamas.  I'm glad this trend is popular now because there were years where she searched high and low to find matching sets.  

But let's be honest- none of this stuff matters if you aren't spending the holidays with friends and family you love. Hope you get to see all of your pretty people in the upcoming weeks. I know I am! Maybe even in matching jammies.  xoxo

I don't know about you but I think it's so hard to shop for men.  At least for the men in my life.  They don't seem to want/need much.  When they do- they seem to get it themselves.  But as of today you have 1 month until Christmas!  Only 2 days until Chanukah 

Here are a few cool things that I may or may not be buying for my special guys.  Wooden watch.  The line is called watch wood. You can find it online or at Neiman Marcus for $120.00 I think it just looks so cool and masculine.  HH would be ultra foxy in this. 

 The men's valet dish for the keys and change is over done.  So it the remote control caddy, and even the watch holder.  But how neat is this? I LOVE this wooden glasses/sunglass holder.  $49.00 from redenvelope.com.   If your favorite guy wears glasses/sunglasses- this is a cool way to store them and keep them safe.  (Unless you have a child like LITTLE who like to pulllllll the arms- then, you need to hide your glasses above 3 feet)  Red envelope has all kinds of cool stuff- a few other things I love there are:YODA CUFF LINKS $150, and the leather travel case $129.

Ladies, do y'all know about collar stays?  I did not until I met HH.  He wears them religiously and faithfully.  There are a ton of cute ones out there.  This set is $40 from http://supermarkethq.com/product/customized-metal-stamped-gold-plated-collar-stays.  I love that they say I love you.  Who doesn't need a little reminder of that?  Especially if you are dressing up.  Would also be a great gift for a dad on your wedding day.  {{Thinking about you little miss Becca}}

HH has really great taste in glasses.    But I know he wouldn't wear these.  But maybe one of your men-folk will.  They are GOLD!  GUCCI!  GLASSES! {{I know you would rock these out Royce!!!}}} $295 http://www.sunglasshut.com/us/762753843999 
Plus you can put them in your new sunglass holder!  

When HH brought this magazine home from the store (not on the list!) I was a bit surprised.  It doesn't seem like his normal thing.  OMG!  What a great magazine!  Think southern living for men ladies.  To my northern fans- you might not get it - but you should because it's AWESOME!  Ever want to know where to get the best biscuits in Birmingham- this magazine will tell you.  What about where to hear the best music in the delta- great reference tool.  Don't let the name fool you- it's AWESOME!  $19 for a year. 

If your man is a foodie- he will LOVE THIS!  And since I love cheese I may just get this for HH.  $115 at uncommongoods.com.  Amazon has cheaper and smaller kits- but this one looked so amazing.  

Now I haven't shown you what I'm really getting him- he reads the blog Y'all!  But let me know if you want to know- it's a goodie.

Good luck pretty people and let me know what YOU are getting your guy.

Ok pretty people, one month and 1 day until Christmas!  Have you started shopping?  Are you done?  It's crunch time for those of you that celebrate Hanukkah - that starts in 3 days.  THREE days people!  What are you doing reading my blog if you aren't done shopping??? Luckily for you some of these gift ideas can be shipped overnight.  {{Exhale}} Here I go.  Know that I'm no gift giving expert- or child toy psychologist- just a mama that is telling you what my little guys have loved this year.  

My BFF gave me the book Peek-a-WHO?  when BIG was just a little guy.  He LOVED it!  Little loves it so much that he ate it.  This book is fantastic- BUY it!  Read it.  Go see the movie when it comes out. $7ish.

Both boys love this.  You may regret buying it for your own kids because they will run over your feet with them.  HH had a truck induced injury from it last night. BUT if you want to give it to someone else who has kids- GREAT idea.  The kids love it! $20ish


HH picked this out and I wasn't all that impressed.  Until we got it home and opened the packge. BIG is BONKERS about this laser peg set.  It's battery operated and it flashes colors and you can build a tower. You can spell worlds and say the alphabet.  All good fun. It's exclusive at target for about $20.  I saw it on sale last week but it's not showing up on the web site.  There are other styles- a butterfly kit, a construction kit.  Prices range from $15-60. 

Lite Brite.  Oldie but a goodie.  $15ish.  Buy the mama and daddy some ziplock bags too if you get this game.  We count pegs, name colors, write letters and numbers in light... it's good clean wholesome fun.  I searched high and low and only found the unicorn-esque pink/purple one- but I believe it comes in more masculine colors.  If that matters to you.  Clearly it does not matter to me.  

Hex bugs.  They also make hex goldfish ($15) that swim in the bath tub.  We only have the land version.  We gave the fish to a friend for his birthday a few weeks ago and it was a big hit.  He squeeled!  Plus mommy doesn't need to buy fish food.  Win-win!  Non-eating robotic bugs & fish.  Brilliant!  Especially when mommy doesn't like creepy crawlys or swimmy-wimmys.  These are on sale now at a super sale price.  GO GET THEM people.  (lookin' at you wiggy & pheasant) These are cooler than the zsu zsu pets of the past and way less annoying. 

The Daniel Tiger game.  We are BONKERS about this game.  And by we I mean BIG.  He loves it.  Begs for it.  Talks about it. Wants to marry it.  Best purchase ever.  He's "playing" it as I type.  I type "playing" because he's really just talking about the colors, the characters, the town- so he's playing by his own rules.  That's my boy!  Amazon prime can get it to you overnight. $30. 

What I'm not buying my boys:
1.  This BEAUTIFUL VELVET blazer from Jcrew.  $140! 
(just because I'm too cheap to buy it doesn't mean I'm too good to take your hand-me-downs if you buy it and your boys outgrow it.  Looking at you Briana!)
2. Drum set
3. Jr Science kit.
Come-on- now: They are 3.5 and 1.5 (again 40 months and 18 months if you keep track that way!)   


What I'm buying my boys this year:
1. Goldfish hex bot- target $15
2. Laser peg light up building set $19
3. Little Prince and Fox HANDMADE push pillows. I've purchased a few things from Laura who has THE CUTEST ETSY SIGHT I'VE EVER SEEN! Check it out! It's called The shop of worldly delights.  What a perfect name! Like her on Facebook too.  She said she's going to be running some specials in the next few days in the spirit of thanksgiving.  She has super cute ornaments, scarves, NESTING DOLLS! and all around cute stuff.  Trust me.  I don't know her but I love her work.   https://www.etsy.com/shop/shopofworldlydelight/about?ref=l2-more-about
4. Another Peek-a-who book.  Our first one is in Little's belly. 

Unfortunately I am not a paid product endorser - so all of this stuff is stuff I genuinely love.  I will update you with gift ideas for your men-folk,  girlfriends/sister/mama/self etc. the rest of the week.  

Happy shopping pretty people!

I don't know all 50 state capitols and I know NOTHING about dinosaurs.  Well, that's not completley true.  I know sometimes we call HH's BFF Troy T-rex.  I'm not sure why we do- because his arms are not little and he's not a tyrant lizard king as the scientific name would lead you to believe.  I also know that I called LITTLE Maxasaurus for a while when he was a wee little tot.  It just fit.  That being said, I couldn't tell you a Megalosaurus (Great lizard!) from a Styracosaurus (spiked lizard!)  I kinda blame this on my early schooling.  I moved the summer between 6th and 7th grade.  I think my old school learned that stuff after I left and I think my new school taught it before I got there.  So I have no idea what the capitol of Vermont is.  (Just kidding- I have google.  So I can look it up) But this whole not knowing dinosaurs business is a problem.  You see, I have two little boys and they are BIG time into the dinosaurs.  I know they roar.  Errr... Roared?  At least I think they do/did. So while we play dinos I have mine hop around and I make him roar.  (why did I assign a male sex to him?  it could easily be a she-a-saurus! ugh- I'm a total pre-historic sexist) That's all I've got.  

Someone- probably the pheasant gave the boys some dinosaur flashcards.  (The pheasant loves a good set of flash cards!)  The boys like to the pull the cards out.  Study the pictures. And then, because they are 3.5 and 1.5 (or for those of you that like this kinda thing: 47 months & 18 months~ oy!) they like to RIP the box apart (my 18 mo then likes to eat said box- like a velociraptor!) - this then leads to a Gypsy style slip-n-fall : much like you'd see at a big box store.  So as I picked up these hazardous dinosaur cards for the 12th time today I started to read the cards.  Below is a list of interesting things I learned.  Some factual from the actual cards and some of my ***NON-EXPERT*** observations.  It should go without saying that I am not a dinosaur expert.  So to all you folks who are- I am totally butchering this whole velociraptor thing and I apologize.  Jeez- I'm opening myself up to you and there you go judging me again.  Again- the below is my non-expertise dinosaur observations.  (so the dino association of america doesn't get mat at me I will tell you my thoughts as well as the "facts.") 

1.  MommyOhhhh observation: There are three main types of dinosaurs.  
A. Those that look like the T-rex.  
B. Those that look like the triceratops.  
C. And other.  Other includes ones that are bird-ish in nature (both feathered and non-feathered), ones that look similar to turtles/tortoises (shit- I'm not turtle/tortoise expert either- I have no idea if those are two different animals or just two words: one fancier.  What I can tell you is that spell check went crazy on this post y'all!) 

So- let's talk about the T-rex family.  Take a look at the picture.  I think science is trying to trick us here people.  These 8 dinos are all the same, no?  Again, I'm no expert but they all look alike!  If they aren't the same they are certainly cousins, SISTERS (see- not a sexistasaurs y'all!) and BFF's that look EXACTLY alike.  So while the scientific community would probably argue with me- study the above flash card and see for yourself.  Science has been proven wrong.  Maybe I'm the one to expose the dinosaur inaccuracies... who knows?  Just look and let me know what you think

MommyOhhhh observation B. The triciratops & those that look like a triceratops.  These have the spiky head thorns y'all.  Check out the pictures.  Again- same logic as above- are we sure that these aren't all the same creature?  I mean... look close.  It will certainly make you wonder if science got it wrong again.

MommyOhhhh observation C.  OTher.  This category got really boring- so I decided to kinda blow it off because who cares about these?  I do like a nice pair of tortoise shell glasses... but really- that had nothing to do with dinosaurs... or does it?  Hmmmm...

2.  Scientific fact y'all- There is a large number of dinosaurs that mean Something {fill in the blank} Lizard.   We will start with the legit T-Rex: which translates toTyrant lizard king.  If you didn't know that then you skipped my first paragraph and you should go back, put your tortoise shell glasses on and re-read it.  This is a lesson y'all!
Spinosaurus- SPINY lizard
Kentrosaurus- spiked lizard
Ankylosaurus- Stiffened lizard
Pachyrinosaurus- Thick nosed lizard.  
MommyOhhhh observation.  The lizard is bad-ass with this kinda family tree.  You should be nice to lizards and you should also keep a close eye on them.

3. "Fact"- Some can run 50 mph (strothiousaurus) .  Ummmm... how do we know this?  Were there dino races with clocked times for accuracy? And the winner is... the strothiousaurus! Wonder if SHE got a medal.  

4. Fact- Some had scaly skin.  (pre-historic = pre-lotion)  This one I 100% believe.  

Here is the meat of the issue pretty people: What I have trouble believing is that dinosaurs are real and dragons are not. If that's true- and look for yourselves people, I am not trying to change public policy here- explain how the Carnotaurus pictured to the left LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE A DRAGON.  BAM!  Gotcha!  Point for MommyOhhhh! Take that science- you are clearly talking to someone who knows some stuff.  What I do know for certain is that I love saying Velociraptor- which means Swift thief.  Kinda like a gypsy.  

Hope you learned something today.  Also, Please let me know if you are free for dinosaur inspired tutoring in about 5 years (or 60 months) when BIG will need help with his science homework.  

I LOVE MAIL!  I love cards.  Magazines.  Packages.  Weekly circulars.  I love it all.  (I could go without the bills- but that's part of being a grown up)  I love sending mail and I love receiving it. If we were on card sending terms pre 9/11- you may still be cleaning glitter or confetti out of your carpet from some of the goodies I sent back in the day.  I sent confetti clad cards for Birthdays, Halloween,  Christmas, Hanukah - you name it.  Even for no reason at all (MRRD!) I stopped those antics when real crazies (not your average run of the mill quirky-crazy like moi!) started to send dangerous mystery powder via usps.  All that to say that I LOVE mail!  

HH (Who was hot boyfriend at the time!) told me one day about 6 months into our dating  (about date 23- yes I counted!) that he thought the post office should be dismantled.  {{{{{crickets}}}}} Whaaaaatttttt????? Is he serious?  Good thing he didn't tell me that on our first date or he might have a very different life right now.  CUZ THAT SOUNDS CRAZY!  Until you hear him talk about it.  Then it makes sense.  A little.  Sometimes. (That plus he's super smart ((and dreamy!)) so when he talks one can be swayed a bit by his argument ((and charm))- no offense to my large postal worker fan base! So while we don't agree on everything- we respect each other and each-other's opinions. (I'm not ready to dismantle the post office- but he does bring up some interesting points)

What HH did was he made me realize that it's not mail or a witty card per se that I love- it's the unexpected surprise. (thanks a lot email- now i get way less cute cards in the mail!) I hate a surprise that I know about.  You know the kind.  The your birthday is in 3 weeks and I have your gift.  It's here.  Hidden.  Somewhere in the house.  You'll never find it.  Haaa.  SURPRISE.  UGh.  I hate those! As a kid I remember sneaking around the house with a nameless related person who shares the same parents (she said not to mention her name folks!  I'm protecting her privacy) looking for our Christmas gifts.  Annnnd we found some.  And that's why I know for a fact that I get cheated out of Kris-mas gifts! My mom had a HUGE 3 ft wonder-woman coloring book stashed with the Xmas gifts and I DIDN'T GET IT UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!  IN JANUARY!  Hmmmm... I know I was wrong for peeking but she was TOTALLY wrong for withholding the goods.  But I digress... back to the topic at hand.

On Tuesday we got a surprise in the mail!  All the way from my aunt BUB in Alaksa. (Not sure why we call her aunt bub- I asked my mom but as you recall, she cheats (withholds Xmas gifts and passes them off as birthday gifts!) and drinks (see nesting doll story!) so I'm not sure she knows either.  Well gentle reader, Bub sends surprise packages every few months and I LOVE IT!  It's always out of the blue and something totally unexpected.  Shoe box of dinosaurs!  Check.  Box of stickers! Check.   Juneau high school bears hockey t-shirt.  Check.  Little red riding hood finger puppet glove.  Check!  3 little pigs in seattle shirt.  CHECK MATE! All really thoughtful and cool  "just thinking about you guys" (she's not from the South y'all!) stuff.

So- the package of all packages arrived.  SURPRISE! Cutest owl socks in the whole wide world (size 18-24 months thank you very much)!  Moose hug socks- with grippers!  Cute. Functional.  Safe! (Little is still a bit cartoonish when he runs so grippers are much appreciated!) And an Alaska long sleeve t for big.  Perfect because he's growing like a weed- his last year long sleeves are like belly shirts and it's starting to turn chilly. 

My Thank You card has already been mailed- you gotta thank your peeps!  Sans confetti- I don't want to be hauled away for being a lunatic.  Especially now since HH's 'dismantle the post office' ideas are now out in the open.  And since the government reads our email and probably my super popular blog.  And since I look terrible in white jackets.  

Happy Thursday pretty people!  Thanks for reading. 

Before I begin rambling on, let me introduce myself. I am a long-time friend of the author of this blog and formerly known as “Messica” in her posts. I am the mother of 2 girls aged 4 and 7 and 1 (surprise!) boy age 2.

I love the daily blog and was excited to be a guest blogger as I always have plenty to say and don’t always have an outlet! (Did I mention that I am a teacher/librarian at an elementary school? Intelligent adult conversation does not comprise the majority of my day!) But enough about me…

This week I have had Thanksgiving on my mind and, like many others, have been counting my blessings. In anticipation of the upcoming holidays, my son came home with a “homework” assignment from daycare. (Yes, the current educational trend is such that they are even giving homework to two-year-olds—but don’t get me started on that.) However, I thought this particular assignment—obviously to be used for bulletin board décor—was a really cute idea. One sheet was a cornucopia which was to be decorated with photos/magazine pictures of things your child is thankful for. The other was a printed copy of a turkey to disguise so he could “hide” and not be eaten for Thanksgiving dinner.

The first thing I did was rummage through my LARGE box of family photos (you know, the ones that never make it into the scrapbook you intended to make for your kids??) for a stunning picture of myself. Because certainly my son is MOST thankful for the one who diapers him, feeds him, washes his clothes, and bathes him…among numerous other things. I figured I could find a smaller picture of his “playmate” known to him as “Daddy”. (I’ve never been known as “the fun one” but everyone seems to be clean, happy, and well-fed so it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.) I ended up finding only pics of my three children and then some out of magazines of footballs, toy cars, community workers like policemen/firemen, and a nativity scene (it is a faith-based daycare he attends—trying to score points with his teacher and remember that this is what we should really be thankful for.)

We let our son color the cornucopia and help pat down the pictures after we applied the glue. Cornucopia done! On to the business of disguising the turkey. We decided to dress ours up as our son’s favorite service provider, a fireman. We gave him a red crayon & let him create! Then we happily attached stickers with the help of our child and our two girls (directions said it was to be a family project).

We proudly brought our creation to school to turn in and only then did I realize my son was attending school with the offspring of Martha Stewart AND Pablo Picasso! I wish you all could have seen the creations these two-year-old (obviously creative geniuses) were able to produce for the assignment. Some had beautiful clothing, hair, makeup, you name it on the turkey. It was blatantly obvious that none of the children had done the project and I don’t think many of them even assisted the parents—because what parent in his/her right mind allows a toddler to play with a glue gun and glitter?

Now, you may be wondering if I was any less proud of my son’s homemade turkey and the answer is no, I was not. I was actually more proud of my husband and myself for instilling early in our children the value of a job well done and of helping but not “doing” work for our child. What would our older children have thought of us had we simply done the assignment for him (as it appears so many parents did)? My second grader clearly would’ve recognized this for the “cheating” that it was or would have wondered why we had so little faith in our son’s creative abilities.

So while you may not think I’m Pinterest Mom of the Year, I still stand by my decision. Good luck to all those parents out there who insist on “helping” kids with assignments just a little too much. You may be able to do work for the Alligator Class, but I’ve seen Common Core math, and you are going to have some problems in the near future!

I referred to "the list" yesterday (did you miss it?  go back and read it.  Guaranteed to make you smarter and it's free! ) as it related to co-sleeping.  Today I will tell you my stance on boys clothing.  My boys will NEVER wear tv/cartoon character clothes. (need to send plex and the gabba gang a memo about that- as well as Tiny from dinosaur train- sorry guys) My boys will NEVER wear super hero stuff. (Says the mama that has *every {good guy only- thank you very much!} super hero represented: the hulk, captain america, spiderman, superman, the flash and batman**.- you smell what I'm cookin' people?)  My boys will NEVER wear sci-fi gear.  Hellooooo R2D2 jammies.  Hello Yoda onesie.  And hello Chewbacca (autocorrect wants this to say Chewable- he would make yo @$$ chewable!) flocked t-shirt. So besides the wise age old expression "Never say never"- it's clear that I've broken item #2 on my list.  

I will not name names, but last night I was in a store that claims to ca{R}ter to boys and girls.  Ummmm...No.  That should be a whole other post.  Messica (my non-related #1 fan!) remind me about that.  Anyway a lady there was COMPLAINING that the blue stripy fox pajamas (note to self- go back and buy the blue stripy fox pajamas!) were "too boyish."  Her little girl wasn't going to like them.OMG!  Lady!  You have 75-89% of the store!  A rainbow unicorn threw up in there!  Pink!  Purple!  Aqua!  Sparkles!  Glitter!  Sequins! All of that as far as the eye can see.  Give us the masculine blue stripy fox jammies! (clearly they are super manly.  Blue.  Footed.  With a fox on the belly)  Or buy them and sew a bow on the fox's head (that's what my mama would do!) GOOD GRIEF- you have the majproty of the store.  Don't complain lady.

I have to search high and low for cute boy stuff because the choices are so limited.  Unless you want your son to look like a zoo keeper, a nascar driver (still on my never list!) a sports figure (I compromised with Jerseys if it's a college/university that we attended, the bears, the blackhawks, the white sox, chicago cubs ((hey now- I'm from a mixed family- we support both chicago teams!)) & any higher learning institution my cousins attend b/c they send cute free stuff! #annette #monica #ethan! ) a lumberjack or Ed Hardy - it's slim pickin's out there folks. {I should take this time to tell you that HH has forbidden smocking.  At all times.  Non-negotiable. He may not actually be southern} 

So while some of you may not "get" why boys clothes have: pirates, skulls, mustaches and monocles- know this- IT's ALL WE HAVE!  Your sweet girls get: french poodles, pandas holding hands, rainbows, unicorns, ballerinas, ice-skaters (Messica- remind me to write about how I wanted to be a professional ice skater) , ice cream cones, nesting dolls, KITTENS!,pink baby uggs with ribbon, ruffle butts, cheerleading outfits, butterflies, peplum tops, leggins, hello kitty, TIARAS, peacocks wearing diamond earrings (WTH?) Y'ALL HAVE EVERYTHING!  We have dinosaurs.  Maybe a slim fitting jean.  And yet I don't tell the clerk that the unicorn cap sleeved top is too girly- and can we make this more manly (#lookinatyoudavekitson!).

So while I can't really sympathize with  your frustration that you can't find a girly hulk costume- know this: super hero costumes are made for the masses.  There aren't a ton of girls that want to go down that route.  (why would they want to - you can be a MERMAID!!!!) That being said if your little girl DOES want to be the hulk- I think that is AWESOME!  Go look at pinterest and figure out how to girl that up a bit- slap on some green eyeshadow and a green tu-tu and go hulk out with your bad selves! But to expect stores to do that for you seems a bit silly to me.  They are for profit companies.  That doesn't make them sexist (yep- fox pajama lady thought it was sexist) Besides all the stuff listed above - you have pinterest!  And we have masculine stripy fox pajamas.  At least give us that.  

* Did I miss any GLC? 


**Correction- we do not have Robin because HH doesn't believe that either of our boys are merely a side-kick.  That and that he and his cousin used to get in fist fights about who HAD to be Robin- he didn't want to put big and little through that!